The Gospel is known in many different ways. Here is one that is not very known: The Gospel Acronym. Christians think it's only for non-believers. But it's not. It's for absolutely everyone! Let me share it to you.
Let's break it up!
G in Gospel
God created us to be with Him. Genesis1:26-31 says that God created male and female in His image and so on. Who's name are Adam and Eve. They were perfect, and created perfectly in the image of God, until they sinned and disobeyed the Lord.
O in Gospel
Our sins seperated us from Him. When Adam and Eve sinned against God, they broke our perfect relationship with God. Before they sinned, they could walk with God, talk to God, be with God, all in the Garden of Eden. But they disobeyed one single rule. Only one. Which was: Do Not Eat Of The Tree Of Good and Evil. But they did. Nothing can remove that sin. That's where S comes in.
S in Gospel
Sins can not be removed by good deeds. Yup, we wish it's true, but it's not. No matter what we do, or who we'll be kind to, our sins will not be removed. After Adam and Eve sinned they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden, forever. There was a cherubim (A type of angel) guarding the garden with a flaming sword, so no one can ever enter it. *Genesis 3:24* But since we can't do anything to remove our sins, who can?
P in Gospel
Paying the price for ours sins. Yes, He payed the price for us. The Perfect Lamb, the Perfect Sacrifice, our Savior. Jesus Christ, died on the cross for us. Jesus is perfect, He never sinned, never disobeyed anyone, but He definitley loves us. He loves you so much that He was willing to die for you. Think of it this way, you put Him on that cross, but He said, I love you so much that I'm going to die for you, so that you have a chance to be with the Lord. That's why we celebrate Easter, it’s not because of the Easter bunny, but because of Jesus, conquering death, hell, and grave.
E in Gospel
Everyone who trust in Him alone, will have eternal life. Eternal life. Isn't that amazing? In other words: life forever with Jesus! The King of Glory! All we have to do is recieve Him truly into our hearts and live the Gospel out. Once we have Jesus into our heart......
L in Gospel
Life with Jesus starts now and forever! So, sure we have Jesus, is that it? That's what life is for? Well, no.
No- because now you have to share that invitation with others who don't know Him. To help spread the Good News.
Why do we have to share this Good News?
Because we have to share the same invitation Christ gave us, with others. Why having the Good News to ourself if you can share it with others so then maybe they have eternal life with Jesus too!
Here is a song that helps to understand the Gospel. Try to listen to the lyrics carefully and maybe share this with your friends. Here it is: