We've all heard it. "Love your enemies" but how exactly do we do that? It sounds easy but you have no idea how hard it is until we try to live it out. It's HARD. I'm not saying this to discourage you, but to prepare you. So that you're not surprised by how hard it is.
So how do we do it? The first step, as always, is prayer. You can pray for your enemies, and pray that God will help you love them. Now, there are millions of ways you can show your enemies that God loves them, like: inviting them to church if they don't go already, or spending time with them, maybe even straight up tell them that God loves them. If you're looking for smaller, simpler ways to spread God's love to your enemies, you can even just smile at them. Trust that God can do a lot of things with a smile.
Now that you know HOW to love them, you need to actually decide to do it. Which for me is the hardest part. You have to choose to put aside your differences and your dislike for the person, and show the love that God has for them. Loving your enemies can change their life forever, it's up to you to decide to do it.